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Version: 4.0

Using Multiple OAuth 2.0 Servers and/or Audiences

This guide explains how to set up OAuth 2.0 for RabbitMQ and several OAuth resources using the following flows:

  • Application authentication and authorization
  • Access management UI


  • Docker
  • A local clone of a GitHub repository that contains all the configuration files and scripts used on this example

Single OAuth 2.0 vs Multiple OAuth 2.0 resources

All the examples demonstrated so far, except for this one, configure a single resource_server_id and therefore a single OAuth 2.0 server.

In some scenarios some management users and/or applications are registered in different OAuth 2 servers or they could be registered on the same OAuth 2 server but refer to RabbitMQ using different audience values. To support this scenario, as many OAuth 2 resources must be declared as audiences and/or authorization servers.

The following three scenarios demonstrate various configurations you may encounter:

Scenario 1: Messaging (AMQP) Clients and Management Users Registered in the Same OAuth 2.0 Server but with Different Audiences

RabbitMQ is configured with two OAuth2 resources one called rabbit_prod and another rabbit_dev. For example purposes, let's say, the production team refer to RabbitMQ with the rabbit_prod audience. And the development team with the rabbit_dev audience. As both teams are registered in the same OAuth2 server you are going to configure its settings such as issuer at the root level so that both resources share the same configuration.

Test applications accessing AMQP protocol with their own audience

This is a summary of the configuration, found in rabbitmq.scenario1.conf:

There are two OAuth2 clients (prod_producer and dev_producer) declared in Keycloak and configured to access their respective audience: rabbit_prod and rabbit_dev. The RabbitMQ OAuth 2 plugin is configured like so:

  • With two resources: rabbit_prod and rabbit_dev: = rabbit_prod = rabbit_dev
  • With common settings for the previous two resources:
auth_oauth2.preferred_username_claims.1 = preferred_username
auth_oauth2.preferred_username_claims.2 = user_name
auth_oauth2.preferred_username_claims.3 = email
auth_oauth2.scope_prefix = rabbitmq.
  • With one oauth provider:
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.keycloak.issuer = https://keycloak:8443/realms/test
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.keycloak.https.cacertfile = /etc/rabbitmq/keycloak-ca_certificate.pem
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.keycloak.https.verify = verify_peer
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.keycloak.https.hostname_verification = wildcard
auth_oauth2.default_oauth_provider = keycloak

Follow these steps to deploy Keycloak and RabbitMQ:

  1. Launch Keycloak. Check out Admin page with the credentials admin:admin:

    make start-keycloak

    It is recommended to follow the logs until keycloak is fully initialized: docker logs keycloak -f

  2. Launch RabbitMQ with rabbitmq.scenario1.conf:

    MODE="multi-keycloak" CONF="rabbitmq.scenario1.conf" make start-rabbitmq
  3. Launch the AMQP producer registered in Keycloak with the client_id prod_producers and with the permission to access the rabbit_prod resource, and with the scopes*/* rabbitmq.write:*/* rabbitmq.configure:*/*:

    make start-perftest-producer-with-token PRODUCER=prod_producer TOKEN=$(bin/keycloak/token prod_producer PdLHb1w8RH1oD5bpppgy8OF9G6QeRpL9)

    This is an access token generated for prod_producer.

    "exp": 1690974839,
    "iat": 1690974539,
    "jti": "c8edec50-5f29-4bd0-b25b-d7a46dc3474e",
    "iss": "http://localhost:8081/realms/test",
    "aud": "rabbit_prod",
    "sub": "826065e7-bb58-4b65-bbf7-8982d6cca6c8",
    "typ": "Bearer",
    "azp": "prod_producer",
    "acr": "1",
    "realm_access": {
    "roles": [
    "resource_access": {
    "account": {
    "roles": [
    "scope": "profile email*/* rabbitmq.write:*/* rabbitmq.configure:*/*",
    "clientId": "prod_producer",
    "clientHost": "",
    "email_verified": false,
    "preferred_username": "service-account-prod_producer",
    "clientAddress": ""
  4. Similarly, launch AMQP producer dev_producer, registered in Keycloak too but with the permission to access rabbit_dev resource:

    make start-perftest-producer-with-token PRODUCER=dev_producer TOKEN=$(bin/keycloak/token dev_producer z1PNm47wfWyulTnAaDOf1AggTy3MxX2H)

Test Management UI accessed via two separate resources

This is a summary of the configuration to enable OAuth 2.0 in the management UI:

  • There are two users declared in Keycloak: prod_user and dev_user.

  • The two resources, rabbit_prod and rabbit_dev are declared in the RabbitMQ management plugin with each with their own OAuth 2 client (rabbit_prod_mgt_ui and rabbit_dev_mgt_ui) scopes, and the label associated with each resource: = rabbit_prod
    management.oauth_resource_servers.1.client_id = rabbit_prod_mgt_ui
    management.oauth_resource_servers.1.label = RabbitMQ Production
    management.oauth_resource_servers.1.scopes = openid profile rabbitmq.tag:administrator = rabbit_dev
    management.oauth_resource_servers.2.client_id = rabbit_dev_mgt_ui
    management.oauth_resource_servers.2.label = RabbitMQ Development
    management.oauth_resource_servers.2.scopes = openid profile rabbitmq.tag:management

    As there is only one OAuth2 server, both resources share the oauth provider called keycloak.

  • Each OAuth2 client, rabbit_prod_mgt_ui and rabbit_dev_mgt_ui, is declared in Keycloak so that they can only emit tokens for their respective audience, be it rabbit_prod and rabbit_dev respectively.

Follow the steps to the management UI flows with two OAuth resources:

  1. Go to the RabbitMQ Management UI.
  2. Select RabbitMQ Production resource.
  3. Login as prod_user:prod_user.
  4. Keycloak prompts you to authorize various scopes for prod_user.
  5. You should now get redirected to the Management UI as prod_user user.

Now, logout and repeat the same steps for dev_user user. For this user, RabbitMQ is configured to request the rabbitmq.tag:management scope only.


In step 3, if you login as the dev_user, RabbitMQ will not authorize the dev_user because RabbitMQ is configured to request the scope: rabbitmq.tag:administrator for RabbitMQ Production.

The dev_user does not have the rabbitmq.tag:administrator scope, it has the rabbitmq.tag:management scope. In this scenario, the dev_user gets a token which has none of the scopes RabbitMQ supports.

Scenario 2: Two OAuth 2 Resources on Dedicated Realm Under as Many OAuth Providers

This scenario uses the same OAuth 2.0 provider called keycloak, however, this time there are two realms, dev and prod:

  • Under Realm dev there are users and clients with granted access to the rabbit_dev resource:
    • dev_producer (password: SBuw1L5a7Y2aQfWfbsgXlEKGTNaEHxO8).
    • rabbit_dev_admin (password: rabbit_dev_admin).
    • rabbit_dev_mgt_api.
  • Under Realm prod there are users and clients with granted access to the rabbit_prod resource:
    • prod_producer with the audience rabbit_prod (password: PdLHb1w8RH1oD5bpppgy8OF9G6QeRpL9).
    • rabbit_prod_admin (password: rabbit_prod_admin).

Despite there is only one physical OAuth provider, you need to configure RabbitMQ with two OAuth 2.0 providers. Each tenant has its own issuer url. This is the configuration file used for this scenario is rabbitmq.scenario2.conf. For convenience here is the relevant part:

## Oauth providers
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.devkeycloak.issuer = https://keycloak:8443/realms/dev
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.devkeycloak.https.cacertfile = /etc/rabbitmq/keycloak-ca_certificate.pem
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.devkeycloak.https.verify = verify_peer
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.devkeycloak.https.hostname_verification = wildcard

auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.prodkeycloak.issuer = https://keycloak:8443/realms/prod
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.prodkeycloak.https.cacertfile = /etc/rabbitmq/keycloak-ca_certificate.pem
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.prodkeycloak.https.verify = verify_peer
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.prodkeycloak.https.hostname_verification = wildcard


Follow these steps to deploy Keycloak and RabbitMQ:

  1. Launch Keycloak.
make start-keycloak

Run docker ps | grep keycloak to check when the instance has started. It is recommended to follow the logs until both instances are fully initialized: docker logs keycloak -f

  1. Launch RabbitMQ.
MODE=multi-keycloak OAUTH_PROVIDER=keycloak CONF=rabbitmq.scenario2.conf make start-rabbitmq
  1. Launch AMQP producer registered in Keycloak with the client_id prod_producer and with the permission to access rabbit_prod resource and with the scopes*/* rabbitmq.write:*/* rabbitmq.configure:*/*:
make start-perftest-producer-with-token PRODUCER=prod_producer TOKEN=$(bin/keycloak/token prod_producer sIqZ5flmSz3r6uKXMSz8CWGeScdTpqq0 prod)
  1. Launch AMQP producer registered in Keycloak with the client_id dev_producer and with the permission to access rabbit_dev resource and with the scopes*/* rabbitmq.write:*/* rabbitmq.configure:*/*:
make start-perftest-producer-with-token PRODUCER=dev_producer TOKEN=$(bin/keycloak/token dev_producer SBuw1L5a7Y2aQfWfbsgXlEKGTNaEHxO8 dev)
  1. Stop both producers:
make stop-perftest-producer PRODUCER=dev_producer
make stop-perftest-producer PRODUCER=prod_producer
  1. Verify rabbit_dev_mgt_api can access Management API because its token grants access to rabbit_dev:
make curl-keycloak url=http://localhost:15672/api/overview client_id=rabbit_dev_mgt_api secret=La1Mvj7Qvt8iAqHisZyAguEE8rUpg014 realm=dev

You should see in the standard output the json blob corresponding to the endpoint /overview in RabbitMQ's management api.

  1. Verify mgt_api_client cannot access Management API because its token does not grant access to rabbit_dev or rabbit_prod:
make curl-keycloak url=http://localhost:15672/api/overview client_id=mgt_api_client secret=La1Mvj7Qvt8iAqHisZyAguEE8rUpg014 realm=test

You should see in the standard output the following:

  1. Verify Management UI access:

    • Go to http://localhost:15672.
    • Select RabbitMQ Development OAuth 2.0 resource.
    • Click on "Click here to login".
    • Authenticate with Keycloak using rabbit_dev_admin / rabbit_dev_admin.
    • Verify that user is redirected by to Management UI.
    • Click on Logout.
    • Repeat with RabbitMQ Production and user rabbit_prod_admin / rabbit_prod_admin.
  2. Shutdown RabbitMQ and Keycloak

make stop-keycloak
make stop-rabbitmq

Scenario 3: Two OAuth 2 Resources on Dedicated OAuth 2 Providers

This scenario uses two separate OAuth 2.0 providers called devkeycloak and prodkeycloak, with the following setup:

  • devkeycloak has the following setup under the dev Realm and grants access to rabbit_dev resource:
    • dev_producer with the audience rabbit_dev (password: SBuw1L5a7Y2aQfWfbsgXlEKGTNaEHxO8).
    • rabbit_dev_admin (password: rabbit_dev_admin).
    • rabbit_dev_mgt_api.
  • prodkeycloak has the following setup under the prod Realm and grants access to rabbit_prod resource:
    • prod_producer with the audience rabbit_prod (password: PdLHb1w8RH1oD5bpppgy8OF9G6QeRpL9).
    • rabbit_prod_admin (password: rabbit_prod_admin).

Check out the section oauth_providers in the configuration file rabbitmq.scenario3.conf used by this scenario. Like in the scenario 2, there are two OAuth providers however this time the URL refers to two different hostnames. For convenience here is the relevant part:


## Oauth providers
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.devkeycloak.issuer = https://devkeycloak:8443/realms/dev
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.devkeycloak.https.cacertfile = /etc/rabbitmq/keycloak-ca_certificate.pem
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.devkeycloak.https.verify = verify_peer
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.devkeycloak.https.hostname_verification = wildcard

auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.prodkeycloak.issuer = https://prodkeycloak:8442/realms/prod
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.prodkeycloak.https.cacertfile = /etc/rabbitmq/keycloak-ca_certificate.pem
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.prodkeycloak.https.verify = verify_peer
auth_oauth2.oauth_providers.prodkeycloak.https.hostname_verification = wildcard


Follow these steps to deploy two Keycloaks and RabbitMQ:

  1. Launch Keycloak.
make start-dev-keycloak
make start-prod-keycloak

Run docker ps | grep keycloak to see two instances have started.

  1. Launch RabbitMQ.
MODE=multi-keycloak CONF=rabbitmq.scenario3.conf make start-rabbitmq
  1. Launch AMQP producer registered in Keycloak with the client_id prod_producer and with the permission to access rabbit_prod resource and with the scopes*/* rabbitmq.write:*/* rabbitmq.configure:*/*:
make start-perftest-producer-with-token PRODUCER=prod_producer TOKEN=$(bin/prodkeycloak/token prod_producer PdLHb1w8RH1oD5bpppgy8OF9G6QeRpL9)
  1. Launch AMQP producer registered in Keycloak with the client_id dev_producer and with the permission to access rabbit_dev resource and with the scopes*/* rabbitmq.write:*/* rabbitmq.configure:*/*:
make start-perftest-producer-with-token PRODUCER=dev_producer TOKEN=$(bin/devkeycloak/token dev_producer z1PNm47wfWyulTnAaDOf1AggTy3MxX2H)
  1. Stop both producers:
make stop-perftest-producer PRODUCER=dev_producer
make stop-perftest-producer PRODUCER=prod_producer
  1. Verify rabbit_dev_mgt_api can access Management API because its token grants access to rabbit_dev:
make curl-dev-keycloak url=http://localhost:15672/api/overview client_id=rabbit_dev_mgt_api secret=p7v6DksWkcb6TUYK6payswovC0LqhU6A

You should see in the standard output the json blob corresponding to the endpoint /overview in RabbitMQ's management api.

  1. Verify mgt_api_client cannot access Management API because its token does not grant access to rabbit_dev or rabbit_prod:
make curl-keycloak url=http://localhost:15672/api/overview client_id=mgt_api_client secret=La1Mvj7Qvt8iAqHisZyAguEE8rUpg014 realm=test

You should see in the standard output the following:

  1. Verify Management UI access:

    • Go to http://localhost:15672.
    • Select RabbitMQ Development OAuth 2.0 resource.
    • Click on "Click here to login".
    • Authenticate with Keycloak using rabbit_dev_admin / rabbit_dev_admin.
    • Verify that user is redirected by to Management UI.
    • Click on Logout.
    • Repeat with RabbitMQ Production and user rabbit_prod_admin / rabbit_prod_admin.
  2. Shutdown RabbitMQ and the two Keycloaks:

make stop-dev-keycloak
make stop-prod-keycloak
make stop-rabbitmq