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Version: 3.13

Use Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Microsoft Azure AD) as OAuth 2.0 server

Demonstrate how to authenticate using the OAuth 2.0 protocol and Microsoft Entra ID as Authorization Server using the following flows:

  • Access the management UI via a browser

Prerequisites to follow this guide

  • Have an account in
  • Docker
  • Openssl
  • git clone This github repository contains all the configuration files and scripts used on this example.

Register your app

When using Entra ID as OAuth 2.0 server, your client app (in our case RabbitMQ) needs a way to trust the security tokens issued to it by the Microsoft identity platform.

  1. The first step in establishing that trust is by registering your app with the identity platform in Entra ID.

  2. Once you have logged onto your account in Entra ID Portal, go to **Entra ID ** (use the search bar if you are not able to easily find it).

  3. In the left-hand navigation menu, click on App Registrations. Then, select New registration.

  4. In the Register an application pane, provide the following information:

    • Name: the name you would like to give to your application (ex: rabbitmq-oauth2)
    • Supported Account Types: select Accounts in this organizational directory only (Default Directory only - Single tenant) (you can choose other options if you want to enlarge the audience of your app)
    • On the Select a platform drop-down list, select Single-page application (SPA)
    • Configure the Redirect URI to: https://localhost:15671/js/oidc-oauth/login-callback.html

    Entra ID only allows https URIs as Redirect URI. To learn how to enable HTTPS for RabbitMQ management UI on port 15671, see the management UI guide.

  5. Click on Register.

    Entra ID OAuth 2.0 App

    Note the following values, as you will need it later to configure the rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2 on RabbitMQ side:

    • Directory (tenant ID)
    • Application (client) ID
  6. Click on the Endpoints tab if it is visible.

  7. On the right pane that has just opened, copy the value of OpenID Connect metadata document (ex:{TENANT_ID}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration) and open it in your browser.

    Note the value of the jwks_uri key (ex:{TENANT_ID}/discovery/v2.0/keys), as you will also need it later to configure the rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2 on RabbitMQ side.

    Entra ID JWKS URI

  8. If the Endpoints tab is not visible,

Create OAuth 2.0 roles for your app

App roles are defined by using the Entra ID portal during the app registration process. When a user signs in to your application, Entra ID emits a roles claim for each role that the user or service principal has been granted (you will have a look at it at the end of this tutorial).


To learn more about roles in Entra ID, see Entra ID documentation

  1. Still in Entra ID Portal, go back to Entra ID home page.

  2. In the left-hand menu, click on App Registrations and then click on your application name to open your application Overview pane.

Create a role to allow access to Management UI

  1. In the left-hand menu, click on App Roles.

  2. Then, click on Create App Role to create an OAuth 2.0 role that will be used to give access to the RabbitMQ Management UI.


To learn more about how permissions are managed when RabbitMQ is used together with OAuth 2.0, see this portion of the OAuth 2 tutorial

  1. On the right menu that has just opened, provide the requested information:

    • Display Name: the name you want to give to the role (ex: Management UI Admin)
    • Allowed member types: Both (Users/Groups + Applications)
    • Value: Application_ID.tag:administrator (where Application_ID is the value of the Application (client) ID noted earlier in this tutorial)
    • Description: briefly describe what this role aims to (here just to give admin access to the RabbitMQ Management UI)
    • Do you want to enable this app role: yes (check the box)
  2. Click on Apply.

Create a role to grant configure permission on all resources

  1. Click on Create App Role again. You are now going to create an OAuth 2.0 role that will be used to give configure access to all the resources on all the RabbitMQ vhosts.

  2. On the right menu that has just opened, fill the form as below:

    • Display Name: the name you want to give to the role (ex: Configure All Vhosts)
    • Allowed member types: Both (Users/Groups + Applications)
    • Value: Application_ID.configure:*/* (where Application_ID is the value of the Application (client) ID noted earlier in this tutorial)
    • Description: briefly describe what this role aims to (here to give permissions to configure all resources on all the vhosts available on the RabbitMQ instance)
    • Do you want to enable this app role: yes (check the box)
  3. Click on Apply.

Assign App Roles to Users

Now that some roles have been created for your application, you still need to assign these to some users.

  1. Still in Entra ID Portal, go back to Entra ID home page and, in the left-hand menu, click on Enterprise Applications.

  2. In the new left-hand menu, select Manage -> All applications. Use the Search Bar and/or the available filters to find your application.

    Entra ID Enterprise Applications

  3. Click on the application you just created, for which you want to assign roles to users/groups, then, in the left-hand navigation menu, Select Manage -> Users and groups.

  4. Click on Add user/group to open the Add Assignment pane.

  5. Below Users, click on None Selected and, on the Users pane that has just opened on the right, search and select the users/groups you want to assign roles to.

  6. Once you've selected users and groups, click on the Select button.

  7. Back to the Add assignment pane, below Select a Role, click on None Selected and, on the Select a role pane that has just opened on the right, search and select the role you want to assign to the selected users.


    If only one role is available for your application, it would be automatically selected and greyed by default.

  8. Choose a role (only a single role can be selected at a time), click on the Select button, and click on the Assign button to finalize the assignment of users and groups to the app.

  9. Repeat the operations for all the roles you want to assign.

Configure Custom Signing Keys

It is optional to create a signing key for your application. If you create one though, you must append an appid query parameter containing the app ID to the jwks_uri. Otherwise, the standard jwks_uri endpoint will not include the custom signing key and RabbitMQ will not find the signing key to validate the token's signature.

For example, given your application id, {my-app-id} and your tenant {tenant}, the OIDC discovery endpoint uri would be{tenant}/.well-known/openid-configuration?appid={my-app-id}. The returned payload contains the jwks_uri attribute whose value is something like{tenant}/discovery/keys?appid=<my-app-idp>. RabbitMQ should be configured with that jwks_uri value.

Configure RabbitMQ to Use Entra ID as OAuth 2.0 Authentication Backend

The configuration on Entra ID side is done. Next, configure RabbitMQ to use these resources.

rabbitmq.conf is a sample RabbitMQ configuration to enable Entra ID as OAuth 2.0 authentication backend for the RabbitMQ Management UI.

Update it with the following values:

  • Tenant ID associated to the app that you registered in Entra ID
  • Application ID associated to the app that you registered in Entra ID
  • Value of the jwks_uri key from{TENANT_ID}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
auth_backends.1 = rabbit_auth_backend_oauth2
auth_backends.2 = rabbit_auth_backend_internal

management.oauth_enabled = true
management.oauth_client_id = {PUT YOUR AZURE AD APPLICATION ID}
management.oauth_provider_url ={YOUR_ENTRA_ID_TENANT_ID}

auth_oauth2.resource_server_id = {PUT YOUR AZURE AD APPLICATION ID}
auth_oauth2.additional_scopes_key = roles
auth_oauth2.jwks_url = {PUT YOUR ENTRA ID JWKS URI VALUE}

Start RabbitMQ

Run the following commands to run RabbitMQ docker image:

export MODE=entra
make start-rabbitmq

This starts a Docker container named rabbitmq, with RabbitMQ Management UI/API with HTTPS enabled, and configured to use your Entra ID as OAuth 2.0 authentication backend, based on the information you provided in rabbitmq.conf in the previous steps of this tutorial.

Automatic generation of a TLS Certificate and Key Pair


Entra ID only allows https URIs as Redirect URI. To learn how to enable HTTPS for RabbitMQ management UI on port 15671, see the management UI guide.

When you run make start-rabbitmq for the first time with MODE=entra, before RabbitMQ is deployed, a TLS certificate is generated for RabbitMQ so that it listens on HTTPS port 15671.

The script generates the following files in conf/entra/certs:

  • cacert.pem: a custom certificate authority that is used to generate and sign a self signed certificate for RabbitMQ
  • cert.pem: a self-signed certificate (cn=localhost)
  • key.pem: the private key associated to the cert.pem certificate

These files will be mounted into the rabbitmq container later in this tutorial, where they will be used to configure HTTPS for the RabbitMQ Management UI and HTTP API.

Verify RabbitMQ Management UI access

Go to RabbitMQ Management UI https://localhost:15671. Depending on your browser, ignore the security warnings (raised by the fact that you are using a self-signed certificate) to proceed.

Once on the RabbitMQ Management UI page, click on the Click here to log in button, authenticate with your Entra ID user. The first time, you are likely going to have to give your consent (it depends on the policies applied to Entra AD on your side).


At first login, you may run into an error name AADSTS90008. This is a known issue.

Click on Click here to log in button again and it will disappear.

At the end, you should be redirected back to the RabbitMQ Management UI.

Entra AD issues an access token like this one below. The permissions are managed in the roles claim. You have configured RabbitMQ with {extra_scopes_source, <<"roles">>}, which means RabbitMQ uses the scopes in the roles claim to define permissions for a logged-in user.

"aud": "30b61ef8-72d7-4e40-88f2-6e16c8d3fd88",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1655740039,
"nbf": 1655740039,
"exp": 1655744211,
"acr": "1",
"aio": "AUQAu/8TAAAAjvwucwL4nZe83vNZvg6A7sAPscI9zsGvRs8EuT7aVhubpmhRnxJ+X7nbkISoP5eBBMxoi2yiCclnH2Ocjjzsqw==",
"amr": [
"appid": "30b61ef8-72d7-4e40-88f2-6e16c8d3fd88",
"appidacr": "1",
"email": "",
"idp": "",
"in_corp": "true",
"ipaddr": "",
"name": "Baptiste DA ROIT",
"oid": "cf2df3b4-03df-4e1e-b5c0-f232932aaead",
"rh": "0.AR8AgCG80x7L90C1mhVBBXQzQjgoklctsdBMtgYVWFwc4tgfAMQ.",
"roles": [
"scp": "User.Read",
"sub": "6aBzW3a1FOTTrnlZEuC1SmwG0sRjVgQU49DvrYK6Rqg",
"tid": "1ffc6121-590e-4aa5-bf47-c348674069cb",
"unique_name": "",
"uti": "QHqwThTqQEK9iMdnRuD_AA",
"ver": "1.0"